Çarşamba, Temmuz 7


*schreiben soll nur eine Nachahmung sein. - nietzsche
*the supreme vice is shallowness. whatever is realised is right. - oscar wilde
*her insan bir uçurumdur. başını döndürür kişinin, gidip aşağı bakınca. - büchner
*don't be afraid and we will pass the simple ugliness of exact tombs, where a large road crosses and all the people are minutely dead. then you will slowly kiss me. - ee cummings
*ilişkimiz oradaydı; bizse orada değildik. - oruç aruoba
*ich bin Erinnerungen treu für immer; Menschen werde ich es niemals sein. - rilke
*"It's too late to correct it," said the Red Queen: "when you've once said a thing, that fixes it, and you must take the consequences." - Lewis Carroll

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