George [looking bedraggled]: My mother caught me
Jerry: Caught you? Doing what?
George: You know.
[Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer fail to catch on.]
George: I was alone...
Elaine [realizing]: You mean...?
George: Uh-huh.
Kramer [laughing]: She caught you?
Jerry: Where?
George [reluctantly]: I stopped by the house to drop the car off, and I went inside for a few minutes. Nobody was there, they're supposed to be working. My mother had a Glamour magazine, I started leafing through it...
Jerry [incredulous]: Glamour?
[Kramer and Elaine laugh.]
George: So, one thing led to another...
Jerry: So what did she do?
George: Well, first she starts screaming "George! What are you doing? My God!" And it looked like she was gonna faint; she started clutching the wall, trying to hang on to it...
Kramer: Man...
George: I didn't know whether to keep her from falling or zip up!
Jerry: What did you do?
George: I zipped up!
Elaine: So she fell?
George: Yeah...well, I couldn't run over there the way I was.:[Jerry and Elaine mutter in agreement.]
George: So she fell, and then she started screaming "My back! My back!" So I picked her up and took her to the hospital.
Elaine [laughing]: How is she?
George: She's in traction.
Elaine [still laughing]: Okay, I'm sorry...
George [angry]: It's not funny, Elaine!
Elaine [stifling laughter]: I know, I'm fine.
George: Her back went out. She's gotta be there for a couple of days. All she said on the way over in the car was "Why, George? Why?"...I said "Because it's there!"
Jerry [still incredulous]: Glamour?!
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